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Girl Scout Cookies for Sale in the Tri-Communtiy

PHOTO: Adobe Stock Photo

It’s time to buy your Girl Scout cookies. Girl Scout Cookie sales began February 9th and will continue through March 17, 2024. Girl Scout troops will be out and about selling cookies! What is your favorite cookie? Our local Girls Scouts will be at their Cookie Booths located in Phelan at Stater Bros in the afternoons and all day on the weekends. In Wrightwood, at Mountain Hardware most Saturdays & Sundays and, at Wrightwood Arts Center on Park Drive, Friday, February 9th & 23rd from 3-5pm. Pick up a box or two of your favorites or try the new cookies this year. Don’t forget to buy a few boxes for the freezer.

The cookie program is a big part of the entrepreneurial program focusing on five key skills: 1) Goal Setting- Girls learn how to set goals and create a plan to reach them. 2) Decision Making- Girls learn to make decisions on their own and as a team. 3) Money Management-Girls learn to create a budget and handle money. 4) People Skills-Girls find their voice and build confidence through customer interactions. 5) Business Ethics-Girls learn to act ethically in business and in life.

The Girl Scout Cookie Program began in 1917 as a way to finance troop activities. Juliette Gordon Low started Girl Scouts in the United States in March of 1912. A troop in Oklahoma baked cookies and sold them in the high school cafeteria as a service project. This was the first known instance of Girl Scouts selling cookies, and since then, girls across the country have been learning basic skills needed to become great leaders in business, managing finances, and gaining self-sufficiency. In the late 1930s, cookie sales were so popular that commercial bakers were called in to help. Girl Scouts faced a major challenge in 1944 when supplies of cooking ingredients like eggs, milk, sugar, and chocolate were in short supply because of World War II. But that wasn’t going to stop the Girl Scouts.

Stop by and support our local Girl Scouts. The first recipe was simple! 1 cup butter or substitute, 1 cup sugar, 2 tablespoons milk, 2 eggs, 1 teaspoon vanilla, 2 cups flour, and 2 teaspoons of baking powder. These cookies were sold for 25-30 cents per dozen. The cookies were packaged in wax paper bags, sealed with a sticker.

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